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Absences and Cancellations

  • Proper notification for an absence or tardiness requires 24-hours advance notice in order to receive a make-up lesson at no additional charge for private lessons.  Please TEXT ME if you are going to be late, or have to miss a lesson!

  • ORU Students: (see make-up lessons) University Students-keep a copy of your absence excuse forms or dr. note in case you need to defend your absence later in the semester.  You must also bring me a copy for my records please.  ORU students will receive a lowered lesson grade for that week's lesson. See Universities absentee policy.  After two unexcused absences, your lesson grade will drop a letter grade for each absence after that second one.

  • Private Students: You will be charged for a missed lesson if you do not let me know 24-hours in advance that you will not be able to make your scheduled lesson time! If you know you are going to be absent or late, please talk to me over the phone to make sure I get the message! I will try to work around our schedules to fit in a lesson time to replace the one you have to miss, so you won’t be charged extra during the month for a previously scheduled lesson and a make-up lesson time. If you know you are going to be late, ask for a make-up lesson time for that week. Otherwise, I will have to charge you the full amount for your lesson that day. I usually have students scheduled before and after your lesson time and must adhere to a strict schedule, so please do not be late if at all possible.-If you think you will be late, please call me so I won’t think you forgot your lesson that day. If you want to contact me via email to cancel or reschedule a lesson, you may, but if you have not received a reply email from me, that probably means I did not get your message, and so that will not be proper notification. You might have emailed me 24 hours in advance, but if I haven’t been able to check email before that, I will still charge you for that lesson. To avoid that scenario, please call me the day before your lesson to cancel lesson appointments. You may want to save your emails from me if I send my approval for an email cancellation. In case I forget that I approved it via email. You can show me a copy of that email and I won’t charge you. If you do not want a lesson to replace the one you have to miss, or our schedules will not allow us to schedule a make-up lesson, the money you paid at the first of the month can be deducted from the next month’s lesson fee, with my approval. This is only applicable if I was told about your absence the day before your scheduled lesson time. If you are sick on your lesson day and have to cancel that day, please call me before 9am and leave a message. Otherwise, I can offer no make-up lesson for a lesson cancelled on the lesson day. If you feel sick the night before, call me to cancel. Then if you feel better in the morning, call me back to reschedule your lesson. You may be able to get your original time slot back. This way you avoid paying for a lesson you can’t come to because you wake up sick, and I might be able to use your time slot for another student that day. 

  • If you decide to quit lessons before the end of the month and have already paid for lessons in that month, the only compensation I can offer to you is lessons at a later time in the year. You will have one academic school year to redeem the lessons you paid for. If you decide to quit lessons, and did not give me 24-hours advance notice, I will still charge you for the lesson(s) that you had originally planned on coming to the next month. Please let me know by your last paid lesson day, that it is your final day. I will need to use your time slot for new students. 

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